Food Promotion Pattaya: Outstanding Ostrich at Benihana, Pattaya
Does everyone know the delicious flavor of Ostrich? Well, the clever chefs at Benihana, Pattaya have taken one of the great flavors of Ostrich and the Japanese art of show cooking on the Teppanyaki and given it a new twist.
Available all through March, diners will be able to try Ostrich Flavors, Teppanyaki Style. It’s yummy! Top quality ingredients, exciting recipes and the antics of Benihana lively chefs are guaranteed to make your dining experience completely unforgettable.
Benihana – the renowned Japanese Steakhouse offers An Experience at Every Table. Interact with the chefs, famous for their entertaining and culinary skills as they prepare Teppanyaki at your table. Private rooms are available. Benihana is located on the 2nd floor of the Royal Garden Plaza.
For more information and reservations please contact 038 412 120 ext.1395
or email
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